I'm Alicia-May and I’m an experienced coach that specialises in business and career coaching. I have over 7 years experience in coaching and mentoring individuals through their career goals. I’ve worked with both men and women, supporting them through career changes, end-to-end through the job application process and growing their own businesses.
In recent years I had been inspired to study further as I discovered holistic practices through life coaching such as manifesting, affirming and tuning into self awareness. This is how I moved into combining strategic action with soulful work as I’ve broadened my horizons in my work to include fab new tips, tools & practices within my offering to my clients. It’s something that has benefitted me so much as an individual and I love working with my clients on this super important deep, inner self-work.
from the universe for as long as I can remember to start my own business, but in October 2020 that whisper turned into a scream as I’d be placed at risk of redundancy in my 9-5 role in the banking industry. At this moment, I decided to turn my adversity into something beautiful. Just like that within a matter of days I’d launched my Instagram page @boudiciarising and booked my first photo shoot for my business.
I currently hold space for 121 coaching clients a month to work with me in my 1 month accelerator, 3, 6 and 12 month 121 coaching programmes. I also hold a mastermind, a coaching academy and multiple smaller group offers round the year. To keep in touch on upcoming live or virtual events, 121 openings & new group programmes be sure to join me @boudiciarising on insta!